Key Customer Experience Challenges and How to Overcome them

Before you even start to think about customer experience innovation, you need to make sure you’re not suffering from the most common obstacles and challenges many organisations face when it comes to keeping customers happy.

Customer experience (CX) refers to the holistic ecosystem of the customer journey. It’s not just how happy people are after purchasing your products or using your services. Everything from your marketing content, online resources, payments gateway, and customer service activities play a role in CX. Customers are looking for a consistent customer experience irrespective of time, geography or channel.

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Are Employee Concerns Impeding Engagement?

With the many serious changes that have now taken place to the way we live and work due to the COVID-19 crisis, it’s natural for various employee concerns and anxieties to prevent employees from feeling fully motivated and totally integrated with their workplace and company.

At the same, many brands are striving to show the world they care about various global issues like healthcare, social justices and economic equality. However, some are overlooking the importance of maintaining integrity internally among their own people.

As people’s lives are twisted and turned in various directions, now is the best time to invest time, effort and money in ensuring your employees are looked after and cared for, within the context of the huge changes taking place in society.

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How to Develop and Maintain Organisational Culture

Most organisations in the process of scaling their operations and considering the long-term future of their businesses understand that culture and values will play a key role in their success. This might be a factor which helps to explain the trend for the function traditionally always referred to as Human Resources (HR) being increasingly ‘rebranded’ as ‘People and Culture’.

However, the importance of the function is still often misunderstood or underplayed when it comes to the development and maintenance of organisational culture and alignment.

Organisational culture tends to emerge over time, driven by the intentional efforts of leadership, and HR or People and Culture plays a critical role in making sure that your new and existing employees are fully aware and how they can contribute.

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Adapt Your Customer Strategy for Today

If you are in the customer service sector, you’ll have realized already that things are very different today than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if you haven’t suffered significant losses to your sales, staying aware of and adapting your business model to the constant behavioural changes around the world can be a stressful task.

The way people work, eat, buy products, communicate, learn and even socialise has changed massively. It’s no longer prudent to rely on the formulas and predictions that once supported your original business model, while the world seems to be in flux as it reacts to both government and societal changes affecting the way people behave. 

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Key Branding Lessons for Big Businesses

Branding and identity are just as relevant when you’re striving to get your product or service to market and grow your customer base as it is when you’re successfully running a large organisation.

By considering branding not just as the way you present yourself externally, but also as the principles and values you rely on to guide employees, customers and service partners to a better understanding of who you are and what you want to achieve in the future, you’ll be able to achieve much greater alignment and integration as your business continues to scale.

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Values are for Living not Laminating

Crafting your organization’s brand values, whether you’re an established company going through an identity shift or a brand new startup, can be a painstaking process. To convey what your organization is all about in an age of unique challenges and global movements has become more than a branding or marketing initiative.

On a number of levels, finalising your brand’s core values is just the beginning. Your  values define the soul of your organization and should guide your business decisions as well as help to define interactions with all stakeholders (employees, customers, service partners, local communities and investors).

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Why You Need a Values-Driven Culture to Bring Your Business Smooth Success

Branding and Identity

Your organisation’s values are the foundations of everything you do. Or you may prefer to think of your organisational values as being the guiding compass that provides your direction.

By having strong organisational values, you’re shaping your organisation, engaging your employees and making it easier for your customers to have a relationship with you because they know who you are and what you stand for. 

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Achieving Customer Service Excellence Through Employee Engagement

Your business has embraced placing customer service excellence at the heart of everything it does. It’s part of your foundations. You understand that to provide customer service excellence; your customers need to feel loved, appreciated and rewarded. 

However, what some companies forget in this happy equation is that employees providing customer service excellence need to feel loved, appreciated and rewarded too. 

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Engagement Ideas and Empowerment Strategies For Business

Irrespective of whether your business is going through a period of change or enjoying a consistent period of growth and steadiness, having engaged employees is paramount to your success.

Here are some sobering statistics as food for thought from the Gallup 2017 Global Workplace Study :

  • Only 1 in 10 UK employees feel engaged
  • A fifth of employees feel actively disengaged
  • Engaged employees are 17% more productive
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