Author: admin

Building a Customer Experience Strategy for Your Business

Attracting and engaging customers is an art in today’s incredibly competitive landscape of inbound marketing and customer-focused brands. 

To get your prospective customer’s attention and bring them through to conversion with carefully targeted, authentic and relevant content, you’ll need to dedicate some serious time and resources to building an effective customer experience strategy.

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The Art of Improving Employee Engagement

How employees feel about their work and office environment is a significant driver of success for your entire organisation. Engaged workers are more productive, reliable and can become your greatest brand ambassadors.

Effective leaders know that employee engagement is a fundamental part of achieving success in competitive markets. Ultimately, it helps to increase productivity and achieve better quality work output.

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The Importance of Brand Identity

brand identity

A huge shift has already taken place  whereby commercial enterprises that want to survive and flourish must offer their customers a values-driven service that projects a consistent brand image. While some believe this is simply a brand’s name and logo, it is certainly far more than this.

Brand identity includes all the visual elements of a brand, but also the company’s values and purpose. All of this together makes up brand identity and when this is done right, it can be incredibly effective at cultivating a positive impression in the minds of your customers.

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Synchronicity and closing circles

Long haul flights provide the opportunity for thinking time, sometimes even more than anticipated – thanks to BA for a cancelled flight.  I am on my way to New York to attend the Second Global Conference on Creating Value and give a talk about how values add value.  The talk is in the context of what I refer to as the Values Economy: how more people are making decisions based less on a rational and financial basis and more at a deeper, emotional level – think of the growth of Fair Trade.  The title of the book I am writing due for publication in 2020 is “The Values Economy: How to deliver values-driven service for sustained performance.”

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New Year’s Resolution Time: Chapter 2018 – What Story will you Write?

As 2018 will be with us in a few days, you might be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. If, like many people, you have experienced disappointment in previous years when failing to do more exercise, drink less alcohol or lose weight etc. why not try something different? Consider a New Year’s resolution for 2018 “to live my life in line with my personal values”. What will you and others say about your Chapter 2018?

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The impact of values

“You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee.” Napoleon Hilli

“To make a difference”…. How often do you hear this answer when people are asked what they want to achieve in their lives (at work, for their community or at an individual level)? To impact means to have a marked influence, a strong effect on someone or something.

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When things do not go according to plan with service delivery

In the last couple of weeks, I have experienced two very contrasting approaches to service recovery or complaint handling and find it fascinating that the way in which the issues were handled were so completely different. Usually, making comparisons is about identifying some differences within a structure that is basically the same or similar, whereas in the examples I am sharing here, I think you will agree that such a comparison is impossible because the two approaches are as different as night and day. In the interest of time and to remove my personal opinion/bias I have listed a chronology of events for each situation:

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Summertime and the service is easy…

Recently, I took a courtesy bus from the railway station to a client office and during the journey, the driver whistled “Summertime”.  This happens to be one of my favourite tunes and he whistled very well so it was a really enjoyable experience.  When the bus stopped, I said “thankyou” and he wished me a good day in a genuinely warm way.  I also noticed that he was immaculately groomed and very smartly dressed.

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Do you love values?

Values at Heart 2018

Research shows that people who are clear about their own personal values are happier and more fulfilled and up to 17% more engaged at work than people who do not have that clarity ¹. For the first two weeks of February 2018, you can take a special ‘Values at Heart’ profile, courtesy of and use my31Practices to release the power of these values every day. You can sign up yourself or with friends… or, if you are an employer, encourage your employees to take part to show your organisation cares about what matters to them.

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