Author: admin

How to Inspire Values Driven Leadership

At SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL, we help progressive leaders bring to life their organisation’s core values in the workplace. For a business to succeed, it’s essential for all employees to be invested, engaged and understand the company’s ethos or core values. The more embedded the values are, the more empowered and confident employees feel and this increases levels of commitment.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” Roy E. Disney

Core values are not just a set of ‘nice to have’ words. Instead, they are your company’s deeply ingrained principles that drive everything it does internally and externally. Unless this is the case, they are not really your values. We say that “Values are for living not laminating” and when this happens, with everybody working towards the same goals, we know that remarkable results can be achieved.

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Values Are For Living, Not Laminating

The Grenfell inquiry has recently heard witnesses from Rydon, the contractor which took on the design and build responsibility for the Grenfell Tower project from April 2014 onwards.  A number of news stories were covered:

  • Rydon sought to keep more than £100,000 of the savings made by switching to the deadly aluminium composite material cladding on Grenfell Tower by hiding the true costs from its client.
  • The Rydon contract manager was described as using ‘Essex boy patter’ to push the cheaper cladding option for Grenfell.
  • There were some issues between Rydon employees and  ‘vocal and aggressive’ Grenfell residents who complained about fire safety
  • Rydon’s project manager was unable to explain the presence of “shockingly poor workmanship” on cavity barriers in the cladding system installed on the building.
  • It is interesting to note that Rydon Group website states the following:
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Understanding the Strategic Implementation Process

Strategic implementation refers to the process of executing plans and strategies. These processes aim to achieve long-term goals within an organization.

Strategic implementation, in other words, is a technique through which a firm develops. It utilizes and integrates new processes into the structure of an organization. This ensures that the culture, resources, people, and systems all follow the strategies put in place. Strategic implementation can be a driving force for your brand in a competitive market.

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Successful Employee Engagement Strategies

Poor employee engagement is a struggle for most brands, with nearly 66% of all employees feeling disengaged. This has costly implications for businesses. 

Unengaged employees often lead to high turnover rates, which can severely affect your bottom line. You may be paying more money than you’d like to find new recruits and train them up. It’s also likely that your unengaged employees are not performing to the best of their ability.

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5 Ideas for Improving Customer Experience

In 2020, the importance of customer experience cannot be overstated. In a saturated market, this is what sets one brand apart from the next and captures long-term customer loyalty. Customer service is essential to the brand loyalty of over 96% of consumers. In other words – almost everyone expects excellent customer experience.  This is true for the service sector eg hotels, airlines, professional services etc and for businesses selling products eg automotive, technology products, telephony, white goods etc.

The customer experience has a direct impact on the bottom line of your business. Customers are generally willing to pay a higher price for a better experience. The opposite is true for negative service and one-third of customers would consider switching to a different company based on just one negative customer service encounter.  In today’s digital marketplace, this means you are just one click away from losing customers, sales and profit. 

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How to Create a Culture of Service Excellence

Consumer demands are continuously shifting from products to services. This means that customers have started valuing the experience a brand presents them with. The customer experience includes everything from initial engagement, to building awareness, the sales journey, service delivery, and any follow-up or ongoing engagement with the brand.

Creating a culture in which service excellence can be achieved in a sustained way can provide a competitive edge for businesses in a saturated market. To deliver dependable, consistent value, service excellence needs to be one of the driving forces at the heart of the organization.  It cannot be achieved by tweaking one aspect of the customer experience.

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4 mistakes “values-driven” organizations make

In the six years since the first edition of The 31 Practices book was published, the topic of values has caught the imagination all over the world.  It has become fashionable for organizations to describe themselves as values-driven and yet, for the stakeholders (employees, customers, service partners, local communities, investors, members, citizens) of some, if not many, of these organizations, there is a disconnect between the aspirational words and the experienced reality. To quote the legendary baseball coach, Yogi Berra “In theory there is no difference between practice and theory. In practice, there is”.

So why is it such a challenge to be a values-driven organisation… in practice?  Here are four mistakes organizations can make, and you might be able to add more to the list.   Consider the questions in each section and how they relate to your own organization.

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What’s the Difference Between Branding and Identity?

Branding and Identity

In today’s saturated market, thousands of companies that offer similar products or services are competing. When it comes to consumers choosing between these products, branding is often what makes one stand out over the other. Customers prefer to choose brands they like and trust and will usually stick with brands they have bought from before.

Branding is crucial to gaining a competitive edge over the current economic landscape. As companies start to market themselves with this goal in mind, they often don’t understand the difference between branding and identity. 

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6 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement

Employee engagement should be one of the top priorities for every brand. Actively engaged and motivated employees are more committed to their company’s goals. They’re willing to invest more time and channel their talents in the most effective ways. They’re also more likely to become brand ambassadors that believe in and promote the company’s values and products or services.

On the other hand, disengaged employees cost businesses between $450 and $550 billion annually.

Despite this significant impact, 36% of businesses see engagement as one of their biggest challenges. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to create employee engagement.

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How to Increase Employee Engagement in the Workplace

employee engagement

At SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL, we believe your employees can be your greatest brand ambassadors. When everyone at your business is pointing in the same direction, sharing common values and habits, sustained performance is more comfortable to achieve. It includes directly employed people, contractors, and outsourced service partner employees.

Companies rely on the commitment their workforce can bring to the business. The more empowered your employees feel in their roles, the more they can contribute, innovate, engage, and bring forward.

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