Author: admin

Ideas To Improve Customer Experience and Maximise Return on Investment

For a company to succeed both in terms of its reputation and its bottom line, it has to put customer experience at the heart of its vision, values and mission. 

Twenty-first-century customers expect excellent proactive customer service and won’t hold back if they don’t receive it. We live in a 24/7/365 culture, and customer service has to keep up with the expectations it brings. Customers also take a broad view of customer service and

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6 Steps To Organisational Alignment

Organisational alignment is a key way for competitive organisations to stay ahead of their rivals and be innovative in business. And it starts with the leadership team.

What is Organisational Alignment?

It’s when your entire organisation, from top tier leaders to entry-level colleagues, shares the same organisational vision, mission and values for your company. Keywords here are communication, leadership by example and inclusion. This is vertical alignment.  The other dimension is horizontal alignment, when the various functions and departments work effectively together and key words are collaborative working, accountability and transparency.

These are familiar words here at SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL.  We work with multiple sized organisations to help them outline a shared sense of purpose both at a strategic and operational level. From this shared sense of purpose comes alignment. 

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How to Bring Core Values to Life in the Workplace

Never before have customers wielded so much power. That’s why many are using their wallet to drive social and economic change by supporting businesses whose core values they agree with.

As many as 63% of Americans hope that businesses will take the lead to drive social and environmental change in the future. 50% of consumers worldwide consider themselves ‘belief-driven’ buyers.

So, how does this apply to your business? 

Shared values are a fundamental driver of good customer relations. Interestingly, 23% of loyal customers are willing to pay a premium price for products from brands they identify with. 

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What’s the Importance of Brand Identity?

In the recent decade, more and more importance has been placed on brand and brand identity. Agencies are concerning themselves with proposing branding solutions to businesses, and whole teams are dedicated to assuring success in this area. 

Needless to say, investing in brand identity can therefore demand considerable effort and budget. You might be wondering what the importance of brand identity is, and if it really benefits your business.

In this article, we will be exploring the term and its significance to modern organizations.

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Employee Engagement Ideas During Lockdown

During the Covid-19 crisis, the way we work in teams has changed significantly. Many offices have relocated their employees to work from home. Improving and maintaining employee engagement at this time has proven to be a challenge but there have also been some unexpected positive results. 

Previously, people could rely on their colleagues to lighten their mood during the day and provide motivation. This crucial social element has now been missing from their work lives. Employee engagement is already critical for many companies. In fact, 85% of employees aren’t engaged in the workplace, and this might only get worse during these trying times. 

With many countries experiencing a new spike in cases, a second lockdown is more than a possibility. While there is no cure, social distancing remains crucial and working from home might be the new normal.

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Preparing for World Values Day – Values in Action

On Thursday, 15th October, the annual World Values Day will once again inspire individuals, businesses and communities to think about their most deeply held beliefs. The challenges of 2020 have made the values that move us at the core more critical than ever.

There’s a lesson to be learnt from this year’s theme, ‘Values in Action’. It is a call to bringing values to life through more than words and implement the habits and behaviours that will turn beliefs into long-lasting results. We use the phrase “Values are for living not laminating”.

In celebration of values, we will be discussing the importance of our beliefs in organisations.

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Why Customer Service Training Is Important for Employees

In today’s saturated market, your business is likely to be competing with hundreds of others. Your competitors provide similar products and services. What makes you stand out amongst the rest is the customer experience you present through your brand.

There’s no way to understate the importance of brand aligned customer service. However, not every company has made the decision to invest in this sector as much as they maybe should.

In this article, we’ll take a look at why customer service training is essential for employees and how it can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase employee engagement and raise your bottom line.

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Innovative Ideas to Improve Customer Experience

Today’s consumers want and expect to have an enjoyable customer journey with your brand. Not only that, they expect that to happen quickly and effortlessly and with multiple channels of communication. We live in a world where around the clock interaction has become the norm, and we believe that companies that ignore this, do so at their peril:

A recent Microsoft study into customer satisfaction levels found that 96% of consumers cite excellent customer service as a reason for their loyalty to a brand. 

40% of consumers who contact a company through social media demand a response within an hour and 79% expect to hear back within 24 hours.

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Why Customer Experience is so Important

Providing consumers with positive customer experience is crucial to business success. It’s good for your brand and your bottom line. However, customer satisfaction levels have taken a battering in recent years and, against the unprecedented backdrop of COVID-19, some businesses have fared better than others.

SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL believes that although we’re living in extraordinarily volatile times, a company that places customer experience at the heart of what it does, while aligning brand identity, and employee engagement, will benefit from a healthier bottom line and reputation. 

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Improving Employee Engagement to Drive Business Performance

At SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL, we believe that an engaged workforce is essential if you want your organisation to thrive and be successful.

A Gallup study found that engaged employees are more productive, treat customers better, and are more likely to attract new ones. Plus, there’s a higher chance they’ll stay with your organisation than look elsewhere for employment. The study also found that companies with an engaged workforce had a 20% increase in productivity and a 21% increase in profitability. Put simply, if your employees understand how they and their jobs positively contribute to your company’s success, it means they are engaged.

So how can your company take proactive steps to improve employee engagement? We’re going to take a look at a few steps you can take to promote employee engagement to drive business performance.

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