Two key drivers of sustained performance
A short term improvement in results is of limited value unless the performance can be sustained. There are two key drivers in achieving sustained performance. The first is strategic implementation. The phrase “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” was originated by Peter Drucker and made famous by Mark Fields, President at Ford, so what does it mean? Well, having a well thought through strategy is one thing but having the right culture to be able to implement the strategy is an altogether different challenge.
The second driver is organisational alignment where there is a “joined up” approach horizontally (between functions across the organisation) and vertically (Boardroom to front line). These are two simple-sounding concepts and yet many leaders of organisations seem to struggle with them. The SERVICEBRAND approach provides a framework which facilitates and enables both at the same time.
The SERVICEBRAND approach is based on the well respected service profit chain model (“Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work”, Heskett et al, – Harvard Business Review) and includes the additional elements of Brand Identity and Systems & Processes.
All areas are aligned at the levels of Strategy, Management and Delivery.
A supportive, coaching style is used to engender ownership and deliver sustained success.
We collaborate with a network of partners to deliver bespoke SERVICEBRAND initiatives.
The focus is on placing the Customer Experience at the heart of the business and aligning the following areas:
Brand Identity
Having a strong sense of Purpose and Values guiding all areas of the operation.
Employee Engagement
Inspiring people to be One Team of true ambassadors for the organisation.
Systems & Processes
Ensuring that the organisation infrastructure supports the other elements.
The SERVICEBRAND elements are aligned at the levels of strategy, management and delivery

A business excellence assessment designed specifically for customer facing organisations using the SERVICEBRAND approach to drive improvement

Corevaluescore Survey
Understand quantitative and qualitative stakeholder perception of your organisational values

Differentiate your organisation with high impact, brand-aligned “signatures”

Identify areas of priority and best ROI in the customer experience journey

Values Align
Improve the recruitment process effectiveness by using values-based recruitment

Values Calculator
Identify your organisation’s core values efficiently with collective leadership team buy in

31Practices & my31Practices
An award-winning values-driven approach, which results in congruent behaviour, alignment and a greater sense of fulfilment – used at both an organisational and individual level and the subuect of two internationally acclaimed books

Equip your service team with The Practice of Heartfelt Hospitality – focus on shared values, emotional intelligence and personal impact

Articulate and align a values-driven strategy, establishing clarity and gaining individual and collective commitment from the leadership team

Values Pledge
Become values-driven in practice – send an important message to customers, employees and others that you are clear about what really matters to you and practice what you preach
Alan’s commitment, willingness to engage and sharp insight characterise the tremendous value he has added as a Non Exec on the Board of BQF.
With the simple and practical 31Practices approach he has created, Alan has found a refreshingly different way to make values as inseparable from the modern mission-based business as the double helices of DNA. Both his speaking style and work style have been a pleasure to experience.
31Practices is an excellent method and has played a big part in LifeSearch’s whole company, long term focus on our culture and values. The bespoke nature means the LifeSearch practices we carefully created remind all ‘Searchers every day of what we are about and why, and the behaviours we need to display to protect more families than anyone ever thought possible.
I describe Alan as the most HR savvy operator I have ever met! What’s more he is great fun to work with.
Alan's support has been instrumental in improving levels of engagement and overall performance, personally and with my team. He is a very good listener, gaining a deep understanding before cocreating an improvement plan. He is also very engaging and easy to work with.
Vision, challenge and strategy allowing individuals to stretch their potential. An inspirational leader.
Truly progressive thinking. The pragmatic approach to providing a customer experience achieves measurable return on investment.
An absolute pleasure to work with. Focussed on ambitious results but does what is right and leads in a truly inspiring way.
Rarely do I come across a book which is as complete as this one. Alan and Alison have left me nothing to say. They have put together an encyclopaedia of understanding about what it takes to build the neural pathways of an organisation.
The best thing about the 31Practices approach is how it energises front line employees and gives them confidence to bring the organisational values to life every day. One of the team in New York said "Our 31Practices is like my bible at work. I read it every day and it makes me a better person". Priceless!
The blend of emotional intelligence and commercial acumen is rare! The dedication to customer service is an example to follow.
Alan used the Servicebrand approach and his almost uncanny ability to engage programme stakeholders to provide Dell EMC with accelerated business impact and sustainable performance - at scale.
In the employee engagement survey, we dramatically outperformed the High Performance Norm.
Our Investors in People accreditation review hit our highest score to date and our bottom line profit rose by 25% over two years as well.
Alan spoke about the Values Economy at the 2nd Global Conference on Creating Value . His brilliant talk was convincing and energised the audience.